Orienteering Outdoors
This morning the children worked with Enrich Education to find the different animal markers around our school. We enjoyed making the various animal noises and talking about where we would find these animals in our environment.
Digital Leaders launch assembly
Digital Leaders introduced themselves and shared information about the Childnet Digital Leaders program that they are working with Mr Roach online.
They are going to be working with Merseyside Police Cyber Crime team this year and there will be a big assembly on Tuesday 11th February 2025 for…
Autumn Fun
The children in nursery have been learning about autumn and have collected lots of autumnal treasures. We have had fun outdoors looking for more signs of autumn, finding mini-beasts, dancing in the wind with our scarves and reading in the sunshine.
Drawing and Painting - Hundertwasser
During this term we have been looking at the work of Freidensreich Hundertwasser.
Using his paintings as our inspiration we designed and painted our own versions of his work.
Self Portraits
Today, we completed our unit on drawing by adding some finishing touches to our self portraits inspired by the legendary Frida Kahlo.
Nursery Walk
In RE we have been thanking God for our wonderful world. This week we went for a walk around our school and talked about what we could see.
Children explored different ways of jumping over a range of equipment.
Year 2 Computing
The children enjoyed taking a virtual tour of the International Space Station on their Chromebooks.
Musical Hieroglyphics
In this lesson we explored using hieroglyphics as musical symbols.
After listening to The Bangles, ‘Walk like an Egyptian’, we discussed what symbols would be suitable to go along with the song.
In pairs, we created our own composition using hieroglyphics and selected suitable sounds to go…
Year 1 Geography
Year 1 Geography- Natural and Manmade Objects
The children sorted the different objects into manmade and natural objects. We went on a walk around the school looking for more objects.
Investigating Hands Spans
In this lesson, we looked at the different ways and reasons why children are measured and weighed.
As a class, we measured our hands spans and then took an average for the class, boys and girls.
Our conclusion was, ‘the larger the handspan, the taller the person.’
Year 1 Computing
In groups we sorted the objects into two groups: a computer and not a computer. We will shortly be learning how to logon to our chrome books using our passwords.