Bird spotting in Nursery A
Some of the children have been keen to find out about the different birds they might see in the nursery garden.
Snack Time in Nursery A
Here are some of our nursery children enjoying snack together. Snack time in nursery invites us to turn take, communicate, listen and sometimes try different foods. We develop independence by choosing our own snack and by washing up our own plates and cups when we have finished.
Playing and learning with our friends
This week we have had lots of fun playing and learning with our friends. We have begun to make a music wall outdoors using pans, spoons and bells. Inside we are playing in our home corner - having tea parties and going shopping.
The Sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald
Throughout this term the children have been learning about the Great Lakes of North America.
In this lesson we explored what happened to the SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior.
We independently researched to find out more information about the SS Edmund Fitzgerald and what caused it to…
PTA Liverpool Cathedral Abseil
PTA Abseil Event:
Well done to the five brave volunteers, including school staff, who abseiled down Liverpool Cathedral on 14th September 2024. A massive £700 was raised. Thank you to everyone who donated.
Recorder lessons for Year 5!
Learning the Recorder in Year 5!
Children in Year 5 started their instrumental lessons with Mr Lacey-Kiggins today as they started to learn about the recorder: how to begin to play it and how to begin to read music notation. For the remainder of the term, the children will be learning the…
Starting our phonics journey!
This week the children have started their phonics journey and have been introduced to the first sounds. The children have then independently created the letter sounds using loose parts and through mark making! What superstars!
Self portraits using natural resources
As part of our RSHE work, the children have been looking at self - portraits and what makes us special and unique. The children then used loose parts to create a self portraits!
Sensory Wellbeing for SEND Families
Sensory Wellbeing for SEND Families - online session
Booking required via EVENTS page on the website -
Monday 30th September 6.30pm-8.00pm.
Using numberlines to represent large numbers
Numberlines: A very useful tool
Today in maths, Y6 looked at using numberlines to represent VERY large numbers. The children investigated how to find the mid-point of a numberlines along with deciding any intervals that may (or may not) be marked.
“Numberlines help us to measure and…