Year 1- Geography
Year 1- Geography-Train Stations
We have been looking at the different train stations on a map. We have been locating the symbols on a map to help find the train stations and lines.
Year 1- Science
Year 1- Absorbent and absorbent materials
We have been exploring different materials to find out if they are absorbent or non-absorbent using water. We looked at the following objects- paper towel, plastic wallet, a sponge, paper, fabric and tin foil.
”a mop is absorbent”
”a book is…
Year 1- I can and I’d like to learn to……
Year 1- I can and I’d like to learn to…
We talked about all the things that we can do well and what we would like to learn more about.
“I am good at sports”
”I am good at morris dancing”
“I am good at football”
”I’m good at good dancing”
Year 1- Jesus Blesses Little Children
Year 1- RED
We listened to the story about Jesus blessing the little children. We talked about why we are special to our families, friends and community.
Year 1 Comparing Number to 20
Year 1 Comparing Numbers to 20
We have been comparing numbers to 20 in pairs this morning. “Which number is less or greater than”
Year 1 Crudites
Year 1 Crudités
Year 1 enjoyed chopping the different vegetables into strips and making a delicious dip. “It was so yummy. I liked it all.”
Year 1 Yoga
Year 1 Yoga
Year 1 enjoyed a wonderful yoga session this morning. They listened carefully to the instructions and the music whilst making the different positions.
Year 1 Design & Technology
Year 1 Design & Technology
The children have really enjoyed working as a team to make cardboard towers. We talked about towers that topple and lean. Which team could make the tallest tower?
Year 1 Design Technology - Structures
Year One - Design Technology Structures
This week we have been exploring how free standing structures need a strong wide base to stay stable. The children used cardboard boxes to explore the best way of building their structure.
Year 1 Music
Year 1 Music
We started our new theme ‘Fairytales’ in music today. We listened to the story about The Three Little Pigs and changed our voices to represent the different characters.
Year 1 PE
Year 1 PE Sending and Receiving
The children enjoyed playing the ‘bucket ball’ and ‘hit the bucket’ games in PE this afternoon.
Year One Geography - Four Countries of the UK
Year One Geography - The Four Countries of the UK
In today’s Geography lesson we located the four countries of the UK on a map. We also learned about their capital cities.