Science Year 1 Hearing
We have been learning about how our ears help us to hear. We listened to various instruments and decided if we liked or disliked the sound we made. We know that sound is made of vibrations.
“I like this instrument because it makes a quiet sound”
Year 1 Cross-hatching
Year 1- Cross-hatching
We have been learning about cross-hatching in art today. We used charcoal, pencils and pens to make the marks and smudged some of the marks with our fingers.
Year 1 PE
Year 1 Outdoor PE
Year 1 had a lovely time outdoors for PE today. We have been learning to keep a steady breath, move our arms faster to help us to move quickly and run on the balls of our feet. Well done Year 1!
Year 1 Handwriting
Handwriting in Year 1
Today we have been practising our letter formation in Year 1, with a focus on the letter ‘a’
Representing Number
Representing Numbers
The children have been learning how to represent numbers using counters on the tens frame.
“I like putting the counters on the frame.”
Year 1 Artwork
Texture Artwork in Year 1
The children have been very busy in Year 1 this week looking at various textures. They looked at the materials and talked about the different textures before gluing them onto a flat surface.
“ I wish I could do this every day.”