Year 1 Geography
Year 1 Geography
Year 1 have been learning about the four countries of the UK. We have talked about the different places we may have visited and the capital cities. The children matched the labels and pictures to the map.
Year 1 Design Technology
Year 1 Design Technology
We have been looking at structures and identifying different types of building blocks. We talked about how the size of a base affects the stability of a tower and how tall it can be built. W e looked at the picture of The Leaning Tower of Pisa and how it was built on…
`Year One Maths
Year One Maths
In today’s maths lesson we learned about addition by ‘adding more’. We used ten frames and counters to help us with our addition, ‘First, then and now’, number sentences.
Year One - Prayers to Mary
Year One - Prayers to Mary
Making Hail Mary prayer cards to take home as part of our Religious Education learning about Mary, Mother of God.
Year One - Library visit
Year One - Library Visit
This afternoon, the children enjoyed a visit to our school library, sharing a book with friends and discovering new reads.
Year One - Painting
Year One - Painting
Inspired by the work of Piet Mondrian, the children used their painting skills of ‘dip, dip, dab’ to create an abstract painting in the style of Piet Mondrian.
Year One Painting
Year One - Painting
Exploring the work of Piet Mondrian through Art & Design.
Year 1- Piet Mondrian
Year 1- Piet Mondrian Art
We have been looking at the artist Piet Mondrian in Year 1 this afternoon. We looked at the shapes and colours used and painted our own designs.
Year 1- Prayer Cards
Year 1- Prayer cards
We have been learning the Hail Mary in Year 1. The children have decorated a prayer card to take home to remind them to pray for Mary.
Year 1- History Toys
Year 1- History Toys
The children have been very excited to talk about the toys they played with as a toddler. They used the catalogues to look at different toys that would be suitable for a toddler.
Year 1- Painting
Year 1- Painting
We have been very busy in Year 1 this afternoon. We have been developing different brushstrokes and learning the dip,dip,dab method when applying paint. We made different marks with the primary colours- circles,dots and large ‘c’ shapes.
Year 1-Painting
Year 1- Painting
We have been learning about the different parts of a paintbrush in art today. We have been gluing the different pieces of paper into our sketchbooks ready to paint.