Recount - Journey along the river
The children have worked in small groups to recount Annie’s journey in her barrel as she approaches the end of the falls.
We focused on summarising the key events as well as thinking about how Annie would have felt at each stage.
Y2 Making Smoothies
James from Active Sefton visited Year 2 today. He talked about the importance of healthy eating and we watched him make a smoothie, which we were then able to taste. It contained a variety of delicious
Year 1 Science- Sense of smell
Year 1 Science-Sense of Smell
We have being using our sense of smell to explore different foods. We matched the labels to the different pots.
“It doesn’t smell good.”
”It smells like garlic bread.”
School Councillors vote on Mufti Days!
Meet our School Councillors!
Our School councillors have been very busy already this term, with three meetings with Mr Dinsdale. So far, they have discussed and voted on the theme for the mufti days (now set out on the school website and calendar) and they have also been discussing the rewards…
Preparing for our Writeaway
Preparing for our Writeaway
The children worked in groups to oblate ideas on what may have happened to one of our key characters. To finish our unit on Star of Fear, Star of Hope - the children will be retelling the story from the point of view of another character.
Year 2 Maths
The children used counters and tens frames to make number bonds to ten.
Music: Songs from World War 2
In our current music unit, we are looking at songs from World War 2. We have been listening to the famous song: White Cliffs of Dover and have been learning how to read different styles of notation.
Y2 Library visit
Y2 enjoyed visiting the library and reading some of the lovely new books.
Nursery Learning Outdoors
The children have had lots of fun playing and exploring outdoors. In music we have been learning about percussion instruments so the children wanted to hear the sounds the tractor tyre could make. They have also been using the trees to play hide and seek.
Y2 Design and Technology
Children made a patchwork quilt out of wrapping paper.
Today we celebrated some achievements in Reception. For swimming, gymnastics and football skills. What a talented bunch!