Music: Songs from World War 2
In our current music unit, we are looking at songs from World War 2. We have been listening to the famous song: White Cliffs of Dover and have been learning how to read different styles of notation.
Self Portraits
Today, we completed our unit on drawing by adding some finishing touches to our self portraits inspired by the legendary Frida Kahlo.
Subject Revolution
The Dark Code!
Year 6 were tasked with a challenge this morning - to crack the codes and defeat the Robotrons! We came to school today to find that we had been invaded and had to work quickly and efficiently to crack several codes and send the Robotrons back to their own dimension.
Using numberlines to represent large numbers
Numberlines: A very useful tool
Today in maths, Y6 looked at using numberlines to represent VERY large numbers. The children investigated how to find the mid-point of a numberlines along with deciding any intervals that may (or may not) be marked.
“Numberlines help us to measure and…
Spanish - Days of the Week/Months of the Year
¡Hola! Bienvenido a nuestro blog.
Today in Spanish, the children have been looking back at the days of the week and months of the year. We are working towards being able to say and write our date of birth.
Anatomy of the eyeball
Learning about how our eyes work
As part of our topic on light, today we learnt about the different parts of our eyes and their functions. We worked in pairs to correctly label scientific drawings.
Mia said, “I’ve learnt today that the different parts of the eye all have a special job…
Friday ERIC time
Everyone Reading in Class
After a long and fun-packed week of learning, there’s nothing better than relaxing on a Friday afternoon with out favourite books
End of the day story!
Reading our class novel
Yesterday, Mia read our class story to the whole class. Determination, power and courage. She is only ten and confident! Ms G still gets nervous and she has done it for 27 years!
Holy Family Taster Day
Our Taster Day!
Today, the whole of Y6 visited HFCHS for our final transition day! The day was planned around the school’s upcoming production of Frozen later this term. The children were able to take part in lessons in drama, music and art.
Working with Mrs Pellow, the children…
Gymnastics with Beth Tweddle Gymnastics!
P.E. for Autumn Term
This term, the children will be developing their P.E. skills alongside Beth Tweddle Gymnastics. The sessions will be led by members of the Beth Tweddle team and aim to provide the highest quality of gymnastics to the children throughout the autumn term. Today we worked on…
First day of Year 6!
Start of the Year!
It has been lovely getting to know the children this morning and settling into Year 6!
Jude said: “This year, I’m really looking forward to looking at producing new pieces of writing in English and reading new stories.”
Keep checking the Year 6 Blog for updates on…