Year 3 learning to play recorder
Year 3 began learning how to play recorder this week. Thanks to Mr Kiggins. The children had great fun.
Year 1 Music
Year 1 Music
We started our new theme ‘Fairytales’ in music today. We listened to the story about The Three Little Pigs and changed our voices to represent the different characters.
Year 4: Music
Year 4 recorder lessons have begun. We are so excited to learn something new. If we can play the recorder, there are so many other instruments that we can learn too!
Tinkering with Scratch music elements
We have started to use Scratch to create music.
In this lesson, we have been tinkering and getting used to using the programme.
Over the next few weeks we will be developing our skills using Scratch.
Music: Songs from World War 2
In our current music unit, we are looking at songs from World War 2. We have been listening to the famous song: White Cliffs of Dover and have been learning how to read different styles of notation.
Nursery Learning Outdoors
The children have had lots of fun playing and exploring outdoors. In music we have been learning about percussion instruments so the children wanted to hear the sounds the tractor tyre could make. They have also been using the trees to play hide and seek.
Musical Moments
The children have enjoyed exploring different sounds on our new music wall that the children created together this week. We listened to the sounds the wooden items made when hit and described how they are different to the sounds created by striking metal objects.
Musical Hieroglyphics
In this lesson we explored using hieroglyphics as musical symbols.
After listening to The Bangles, ‘Walk like an Egyptian’, we discussed what symbols would be suitable to go along with the song.
In pairs, we created our own composition using hieroglyphics and selected suitable sounds to go…
Playing and learning with our friends
This week we have had lots of fun playing and learning with our friends. We have begun to make a music wall outdoors using pans, spoons and bells. Inside we are playing in our home corner - having tea parties and going shopping.
Recorder lessons for Year 5!
Learning the Recorder in Year 5!
Children in Year 5 started their instrumental lessons with Mr Lacey-Kiggins today as they started to learn about the recorder: how to begin to play it and how to begin to read music notation. For the remainder of the term, the children will be learning the…
Nursery A Camping Adventure
We have been taking advantage of this week’s wonderful weather and spending lots of time learning outside. The children have been exploring nature and using their imaginations to create delicious campfire soups, taking turns to add ingredients and stir. We have been singing campfire songs…
Holy Family Taster Day
Our Taster Day!
Today, the whole of Y6 visited HFCHS for our final transition day! The day was planned around the school’s upcoming production of Frozen later this term. The children were able to take part in lessons in drama, music and art.
Working with Mrs Pellow, the children…