Year 2 Art and Design
The children explored painting using natural objects.
Y2 Tesco Visits
To begin our Geography topic the children walked to Tesco in groups and looked in the fruit aisle to investigate where different fruits have come from.
Year 2 Art
The children created their own design by drawing around 3D shapes and then they painted each section using primary colours.
Y2 Painting
Y2 enjoyed drawing their own shape picture and painting using primary colours.
Y2 Guided Reading
We started our first guided reading session of this half term by solving a jigsaw puzzle of the front cover our new focus book.
Y2 Owl visit
As part of our work on The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark we had a visit from Lancashire
Y2 History
Making a Venn diagram of facts related to Kitty Wilkinson and Florence
Y2 Design and Technology
Y2 are learning how to over stitch to make a felt house with a window and door.
Y2 Harvest festival
Y1 and Y2 came together this morning to celebrate their Harvest festival. Many thanks to all the families who have donated food to Seaforth Mission.
Y2 Making Smoothies
James from Active Sefton visited Year 2 today. He talked about the importance of healthy eating and we watched him make a smoothie, which we were then able to taste. It contained a variety of delicious
Year 2 Maths
The children used counters and tens frames to make number bonds to ten.