Year 1- Jesus Blesses Little Children
Year 1- RED
We listened to the story about Jesus blessing the little children. We talked about why we are special to our families, friends and community.
We’re going on a cat hunt!
In RE we have been been continuing to learn about the visit of the three wise men and adapting the well known story “We’re going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen for “We’re going on a star hunt”. Today in Nursery A we adapted it further when, with much excitement, we spotted a cat up in our…
Reception Church Visit
Last week Reception visited church to. See the crib with the Three Wise Men visiting. We have talked about the story of the Wise Men and their visit to the baby Jesus and the Angel visiting them to tell to avoid King Herod on the way home. It was great to see the church crib with all the…
Nursery’s Visit to Church
Today the children visited Church to look at the Nativity scene and to hear the story of the Wise Men visiting Jesus. The children remembered their Christmas assembly and were able to see Jesus, Mary and Joseph with their special visitors in Church.
Nursery Christmas Assembly
Our nursery children made a wonderful start to our Christmas assemblies today. In our special act of worship the children sang beautifully and reminded us all of the true meaning of Christmas. We are so proud of how amazing they all were. Well done children!
Exploring Colour and Texture
In Reception we have been using watercolours to explore mixing and different textures when we are painting. The children loved the delicate colours the paints made. Clancy and Isabella particularly enjoyed this activity.
Who will you be today in Nursery A?
In Nursery we love taking on different roles. Throughout the year we use hats, bags, shoes, clothes to be whoever we want to be. In the run up to Christmas we have introduced a variety of more recognisable costumes into nursery and the children have had so much fun. One area of our classroom…
CAFOD World Gifts
Fundraising this Advent
As a year group, we have chosen to raise money for CAFOD this season. We are hoping to raise money to provide safe, clean water for families who do not have access to one of life’s essentials. The children have already started to come up with many different ways in which…
Preparing for the Birthday of Jesus
In our RE topic, Prophecy and Promise, the children have been learning about the story of the Angel Gabriel visiting Jesus to tell her the news of a baby boy called Jesus. The children have been using our small world nativity figures to retell the story. The children learnt about the love that…
Year 2 RE
As part of our RE topic ‘Prophecy and Promise’, the children listened to the story of The Annunciation and then worked in pairs to role play it.
Nearly Time!
Christmas preparation is in full swing in Reception. We are slowly working our way through costumes for our Nativity play. Watch out for any lines in book bags this week.
CAFOD World Gifts Assembly
We welcomed Justine from CAFOD to speak to all of the children about World Gifts today.
She came and talked about the work of CAFOD, what World Gifts are and how we can help in the work of CAFOD this advent season.
To find out more please visit: