“I love you and I want you to love one another”
Today we talked about God loving us and Jesus’ teaching to love one another. We made a list of all the people we love in our lives. Each of the children and staff members in nursery contributed by passing a wooden heart to each other so that we could say who we loved. We then thought about how…
A Royal Visit to Liverpool from Prince William!
On Thursday 25th January, three pupils Mrs Bowden and Mr Dinsdale met up with Pete Hawkin and children and staff from Princes Primary School for a very special visit - to meet His Royal Highness, Prince William in Toxteth in Liverpool!
The three children Daisy, Anna-Rae and Jacob from Y5 & Y6…
Nursery Pen Pals
In Nursery we are learning about using different media and this week we have been exploring the marks made by felt tip pens. So many children have been encouraged to pick up pens use them for a variety of purposes. We have had pictures created of families, friends, a rainbow cake, a unicorn,…
Year 6 Special Visitor
Climate Change Workshop
Year 6 took part in a really interesting session this morning with Sam from SusTrans. We discussed some of the key issues related to climate changed and thought about ways in which we can live a more sustainable life.
CAFOD World Gifts
Fundraising this Advent
As a year group, we have chosen to raise money for CAFOD this season. We are hoping to raise money to provide safe, clean water for families who do not have access to one of life’s essentials. The children have already started to come up with many different ways in which…
CAFOD World Gifts Assembly
We welcomed Justine from CAFOD to speak to all of the children about World Gifts today.
She came and talked about the work of CAFOD, what World Gifts are and how we can help in the work of CAFOD this advent season.
To find out more please visit: https://worldgifts.cafod.org.uk/
Y2 Harvest festival
Y1 and Y2 came together this morning to celebrate their Harvest festival. Many thanks to all the families who have donated food to Seaforth Mission.
Snack Time in Nursery A
Here are some of our nursery children enjoying snack together. Snack time in nursery invites us to turn take, communicate, listen and sometimes try different foods. We develop independence by choosing our own snack and by washing up our own plates and cups when we have finished.