Musical Hieroglyphics
In this lesson we explored using hieroglyphics as musical symbols.
After listening to The Bangles, ‘Walk like an Egyptian’, we discussed what symbols would be suitable to go along with the song.
In pairs, we created our own composition using hieroglyphics and selected suitable sounds to go…
Year 1 Geography
Year 1 Geography- Natural and Manmade Objects
The children sorted the different objects into manmade and natural objects. We went on a walk around the school looking for more objects.
Investigating Hands Spans
In this lesson, we looked at the different ways and reasons why children are measured and weighed.
As a class, we measured our hands spans and then took an average for the class, boys and girls.
Our conclusion was, ‘the larger the handspan, the taller the person.’
Year 1 Computing
In groups we sorted the objects into two groups: a computer and not a computer. We will shortly be learning how to logon to our chrome books using our passwords.
Maths Adventure Y2
Year 2 had great fun using their maths skills and working as a team on our Maths Adventure Day.
Maths Adventure
Today Year 5 were tasked with solving a range of mathematical problems in order to stop the Robotrons.
The children worked in small groups and applied a range of skills to find the codes needed.
Thank you to Subject Revolution for leading a brilliant afternoon and the Year 6 volunteers for…
Year 2 Science: Exercise
The children learnt about the importance of exercise, how it benefits our bodies and how it can make us feel.
Field trip studying coastal features at Crosby beach
We had so much fun exploring the coastal features of our local area. Crosby beach was much cleaner than previous years.
Subject Revolution
The Dark Code!
Year 6 were tasked with a challenge this morning - to crack the codes and defeat the Robotrons! We came to school today to find that we had been invaded and had to work quickly and efficiently to crack several codes and send the Robotrons back to their own dimension.
Year 1 Maths Escape Room
Year 1 Maths Escape Room
The children enjoyed completing all the exciting maths activities in the hall. The activities included making necklaces for the Queen, number bond puzzles, using leaves to make the total 10, using magnets to find the different faces, using scales in the shop and…
Year 1 Maths
Year 1 Maths- More than, fewer than, the same
The children worked in pairs to roll the dice and count out the counters. They used the vocabulary more than, fewer than and the same.
Rain doesn’t stop play!
The children in Nursery A have been trying out our new waterproofs today. So much fun!