Bug Hunting!
The children have loved hunting for bugs in the garden this week. After reading poems about mini-beasts we all searched the garden for their secret hiding places to see what we could find. Harry was especially keen and helped lots of the children on their search. ‘I know all the good hiding…
English Martyrs Autumn Cafe!
This week’s menu:
Starter: Leaf Soup
Main: Autumn Omelette
Dessert: Spider crispy cakes
Turn-taking, playing, mixing, stirring, speaking, listening, measuring, counting, experimenting = LEARNING!
When the lights go out…the torches come out!
A power cut in nursery didn’t stop the fun and learning this week. We used torches to find our way around nursery, exploring light, dark and shadows.
Year 1 Science- Sense of smell
Year 1 Science-Sense of Smell
We have being using our sense of smell to explore different foods. We matched the labels to the different pots.
“It doesn’t smell good.”
”It smells like garlic bread.”
Year 2 Science: Hygiene Investigation
The children learnt about the importance of hygiene in order to keep healthy and then they carried out an investigation to show the effect of soap on germs.
Investigating Hands Spans
In this lesson, we looked at the different ways and reasons why children are measured and weighed.
As a class, we measured our hands spans and then took an average for the class, boys and girls.
Our conclusion was, ‘the larger the handspan, the taller the person.’
Year 2 Science: Exercise
The children learnt about the importance of exercise, how it benefits our bodies and how it can make us feel.
Bird spotting in Nursery A
Some of the children have been keen to find out about the different birds they might see in the nursery garden.
Science Year 1 Hearing
We have been learning about how our ears help us to hear. We listened to various instruments and decided if we liked or disliked the sound we made. We know that sound is made of vibrations.
“I like this instrument because it makes a quiet sound”
Anatomy of the eyeball
Learning about how our eyes work
As part of our topic on light, today we learnt about the different parts of our eyes and their functions. We worked in pairs to correctly label scientific drawings.
Mia said, “I’ve learnt today that the different parts of the eye all have a special job…
Nursery A Camping Adventure
We have been taking advantage of this week’s wonderful weather and spending lots of time learning outside. The children have been exploring nature and using their imaginations to create delicious campfire soups, taking turns to add ingredients and stir. We have been singing campfire songs…
Science - Identifying and classifying foods
We have been learning about the different food groups and the importance of having a balanced diet.