Maths -Making and talking about arrangements (Nursery A)
As part of our mathematics focus this week we have been putting blocks together to make arrangements. We have been making towers and lots of children decided to build a wall for Humpty Dumpty. We discussed the different shapes and how flat shapes are easier to stack than curved or slanted…
Combining two groups of numbers
Today the children explored combining two groups to find out how many there were altogether. The children had a set of dominoes that included up to 8 spots. We also had a ‘car park’ with numbered spaces. The children took it in turns to select a domino and found the total number of spots. They…
Counting in Nursery
This week the children have been using their counting skills to make ‘magic potions’. They have been using the different resources to take three items and place them in the cauldron. The children continued with this counting activity in continuous provision with their…
Finding matching pairs
As part of our maths work this week, the children have been finding and making pairs! The children have been recognising that a pair is two.
Mix and Create!
The children have been using natural resources, lemons and limes as part of their sensory outdoor learning today. Smelling, mixing, whisking, pouring, creating, communicating, turn-taking - playing is learning!
Year 1 Comparing Number to 20
Year 1 Comparing Numbers to 20
We have been comparing numbers to 20 in pairs this morning. “Which number is less or greater than”
The children love to watch Numberblocks and today had a go at making their own number stairway using our multilink cubes. There was lots of counting and checking to make sure that the correct number was reached.
Year 2 Addition
The children worked in pairs to add two 2- digit numbers (not across a ten). They were given the opportunity to use concrete resources to help them solve the calculations.
`Year One Maths
Year One Maths
In today’s maths lesson we learned about addition by ‘adding more’. We used ten frames and counters to help us with our addition, ‘First, then and now’, number sentences.
Comparing Fractions
Comparing Fractions
Mrs Boylan’s Maths Group were today using our fraction mats to compare and order fractions.
Messy Mud Kitchen Play
The children have been getting messy in the mud kitchen this week.
An article in QA Nursery Magazine explains the many benefits of mud kitchens some of which are listed below:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Mud kitchens work incredibly well as part of PSED for…