Maths -Making and talking about arrangements (Nursery A)
As part of our mathematics focus this week we have been putting blocks together to make arrangements. We have been making towers and lots of children decided to build a wall for Humpty Dumpty. We discussed the different shapes and how flat shapes are easier to stack than curved or slanted…
Design Technology
As part of their work on mechanisms Y2 investigated axles.
Year 2 Lego Club
The children in Lego and k’nex club are becoming more creative each week. We’ve had so many different designs and the children have been working brilliantly together. Today some of the children chose to make marble runs using the Lego baseboards.
Year 1 Crudites
Year 1 Crudités
Year 1 enjoyed chopping the different vegetables into strips and making a delicious dip. “It was so yummy. I liked it all.”
Future Architect
Architects of the future here in Reception. The boys spent most of the afternoon building this airport!
Let’s Build in Nursery A
Using a mixture of wooden blocks and natural resources, the children decided to make a fort today. The children worked together and side by side to create their masterpiece. There was lots of discussion and negotiating taking place too. We didn’t want to tidy it away at the end of the day!…
Pitta Pizzas
This week we made pitta bread pizzas in nursery. We took turns, talked about our ingredients which included, tomato purée, pitta bread, cheese and sweetcorn. We really enjoyed eating them when they were ready. George commented “I really really really liked the sauce and the sweetcorn too!”…
Year 1 Design & Technology
Year 1 Design & Technology
The children have really enjoyed working as a team to make cardboard towers. We talked about towers that topple and lean. Which team could make the tallest tower?
Making Pizzas in Nursery
Today the children made their own pizzas to eat at snack time. They listened carefully and followed the instructions to make delicious pitta bread pizzas. We used our senses to feel, taste and smell the ingredients and focused on the words first, next, finally.
Well done children!
Year 1 Design Technology - Structures
Year One - Design Technology Structures
This week we have been exploring how free standing structures need a strong wide base to stay stable. The children used cardboard boxes to explore the best way of building their structure.
Hammers and Nails
Using our fine motor skills we are creating pictures today using Tap Tap Art. We are very careful not to bang our fingers and are enjoying copying the pictures and creating our own!
Year 2 Food and Nutrition
The children used a range of skills like slicing, chopping, grating and creating ribbons to create a colourful vegetable and pasta layered salad.